

Truth, Theology, and Trouble

I want to write about the things of God.  What is Truth?  There is a reality that includes not only physical absolutes but philosophical absolutes.  There really is a right way and a wrong way, a good and an evil.  There really is an physical world and a supernatural/metaphysical world.  As a Christian, I accept this.  As a human, I am limited in my ability to understand it all.  In my world, there is a lot of grey - things are not as black and white as I would like them to be.  So, even though there is truth, there is my limited ability to grasp it.

Which leads me into the world of Theology.  You see, theology is the study of Truth, in that it is the study of God.  If there is a God, then this God defines what is true and what is false.  This God is the solid foundation for the absolutes referred to earlier.  Since I have to study theology and generally, my " teachers", professors, and instructors are human beings, I am stuck with limited answers.  Oh sure, some aspects of truth are clear, but many are not and I do not believe I have the authority from God to boldly declare that I have arrived.  Not even the great apostle Paul claimed that kind of confidence.

Yet, I like to explore such ideas, which - if not careful, will easily get me into Trouble.  Trouble with the faith community, trouble with my wife, and trouble with the world for sure since many people don't accept the idea that truth exists.

Although I started this blog because of a question from a friend about the Bible, the ideas of Truth, Theology, and Trouble are intriguing and I hope I find lots of time to write.

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